For those who always use a modern toilet and use a toilet paper to clean, this old method seems unhygienic. But for us, this is a common thing and moreover, I myself think that cleansing with hand (left hand for particular) is more hygienic than a toilet paper.
What’s shocking from my previous journey to Japan was about the dumping of the tissue paper. “Just throw the tissue on the toilet,” I remember my brother told me, and I was like “What? Are you serious? It will block the sewer, right?”
“No, it won’t. Japan has designed their toilet so that it can destroy the tissue, even a wet tissue,” my brother explaining. Wow! That’s awesome!
Too bad Indonesia still doesn’t have this system. But, I think right now we need to focus on how to teach people how to use the modern toilet and the paper cleansing. After that, maybe the next few years, we can have that toilet system technology.
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