This is the traditional game that usually played by the girls. Actually this game is not only for girls, but boys don’t usually play this game. Bekelan consist of one rubber ball and about 12-18 pieces of pawns. To play this game you should sit down on the floor because the floor will be used to bounce the ball.
You can play with 2-6 people (there’s no limit for the player, but too much player won’t be too comfortable). When I was a child, I like to play this game. Usually, me and my friend played this during the school break. We played this on the table since the table is also flat and can be used for bouncing.
This game is so fun. First, you will hold all the pawns and the ball, then throw the ball. While doing so, you should detached the pawns and throw it on the floor. The next step you should catch the ball. After that, throw again the ball, and this time you should collect the pawns one by one.
After that, throw again the ball and then collect every two pawns. If the ball falls, then it’s time to give the ball to your friend. Now it’ll their turn. This is how to play bekelan. Do you want to try?
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