
Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Salaman/Shaking Hands

Shaking hands or salaman is Indonesian’s way to greet people. Hand shaking is used to introduced yourself, and to congratulate someone. Right hand is always used if you want to salaman. Indonesia considered left hand tobe an impolite hand.

Please remember, if you want to give or receive something, you should use right hand also. When you eat, you also use right hand to hold your spoon, except if you are a left handed. But, most of Indonesian especially elderly still thinks that left hand is not appropriate to be used in eating.

Salaman (source)

If there is a parents that has a left handed children, they will (at least try) to teach their kids how to use right hand for eating and for writing. But, nowadays left handed is not really a big deal (in writing and eating context). I have few left handed friends and they still use their left hand to write and eat. It’s acceptable, but if you want to give or receive something to someone, it’s a big NO if you using your left hand.



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